Portfolio > Glass Garments

This piece references the Bed Jacket that was worn by women when they "took to bed" when they were ill and fragile. This piece is dedicated to my mother, Mary Lynn Tratechaud.

This piece has exhibited at the
Santa Fe Community Gallery, Santa Fe, 2012
SCA Contemporary Gallery, Albuquerque “Adaptations”, 2014

photo by Margot Geist www.geistlight.com

EvocativeFigurelessGarment by LindaMaeTratechaud, Sculpture, Cast Glass, Bed Jacket
Bed Jacket & Pill Reliquary
Cast Glass, Satin, Thread, Antique Buttons, Compact with Prescription Pills, Resin, White Maple Base and Hanger, Steel Rod
13”x7 ½”x 7 ½”